A positive information

gettingintoaction.com is the english version of french website onpassealacte.fr. "On passe à l'acte" is a constructive journalism web site or an online broadcast of ingenious, remarkable and inspiring initiatives taken by ordinary people displayed through video interviews : in attempt to move forward and change the world ecologically and socially through creativity, action and individual or collectif innovation.

Open democracy in OccitanieSociety 2 426 vues Impact global : 10
The awakening : From depression to theatrical creationLifestyle changes 46 042 vues Impact global : 7
An urban village : sustainable and socially-cohesive housing in townHabitat 22 919 vues Impact global : 4
Selfbuilding your ecofriendly mobile homeHabitat 54 447 vues Impact global : 2
I have decided to live in a community of homes in a rural area
A cluster of homes supported by « Terres de Liens »Habitat 23 868 vues Impact global : 4
I have decided to drop everything to turn my life aroundLifestyle changes 76 073 vues Impact global : 2
I choose an activity in accordance with my valuesLifestyle changes 25 574 vues Impact global : 8
Imagination for People : innovation comes from each one !Society 11 411 vues Impact global : 11
A villagers initiative to care for their elderly neighbours.
Bridging the generation gap has transformed our village.Habitat 16 368 vues
recycling : A second life for wheelchairs 20 815 vues
The « Chamôôô » group: young people turning words into actionConstructive information 9 543 vues Impact global : 4
Down with consumerism.
Voice your anger !Consuming differently 9 909 vues
A information tool for an alternative economic system!Economy 10 097 vues Impact global : 7
Penniless pussies, destitute doggies ? no weary weasels or harrassed hedgehogsLink with the living 14 466 vues Impact global : 8
Workshop 23 : A Multi-Focus Community Center in rural France 5 168 vues
We have organized a school-run relay but on foot !
PEDIBUS "Not the school run but the school walk !Ecology - Environment 6 337 vues