We have organized a school-run relay but on foot !

'We have organized a school-run relay but on foot !' Projet collectif

Published on 2011-01-05 00:00:00
34 Herault
6338 vues

Contact details :

> Pour initier un projet Pedibus


> En Languedoc-Roussillon, contacter le point relais le plus proche de chez vous : 


ou le lieu ressource APIEU : 

Email : apieumtp@educ-envir.org


Lanceurs d'avenir

PEDIBUS "Not the school run but the school walk !

Some parents it is a pity to each drive their own child to the school, that’s a stone’s throw from home, so practically on their doorstep  and hey presto Pedibus is invented ! The idea behind PEDIBUS schoolwalk is that parents get organized, choose the best route to collect the children, and take turns to walk them to school rather than each child being driven in a separate half empty car.   

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