'Unplanned and unexpected fresh fish delivered to your door !' Emilie Varraud

Published on 2011-01-05 00:00:00
Mèze, Hérault
10511 vues

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> Pour contacter Emilie:


> Pour trouver des adresses d'AMAP et autres circuits courts de consommation dans l'Hérault : 


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Lanceurs d'avenir

A fish called Wonder

Claudia, the only fisherwoman of the marshland of Thau, and Emilie, local fish consumer, were inspired by the AMAP system to organize and propose a basket of local fish ! A way to make a link between fishermen and consumers, the former to rediscover their own land the latter the good taste of fish! Today, about 40 families have registered, more than 10 baskets a week are delivered and this system is beginning to spread on the nearby villages and even in Brittany!

(Double-click on the video to watch it with subtitles)

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